We support navies, armies and defense companies in mastering technical challenges in the areas of lifting, towing, rigging and supply at sea.
From the delivery of compliant parts based on your NATO order number to the development and installation of multi-ship RAS systems, we are pleased that our customers rely on our quality, competence and sound technical advice.

Specialized products

We manufacture bespoke equipment and build-to-print parts to deliver secure systems that meet all relevant standards.
We understood the complexity of defense work and are eager to take on the challenges it brings.

The tailored support defense organizations need

Knowing the pressures under which military engineers and procurement professionals work, we provide responsive, flexible support to keep your plants up and running and your projects on track.
If you are looking for a strategic partner, you will find that we combine the in-depth knowledge of a real specialist with the breadth and competence to support you in streamlining your offer.


Information to be provided acc. to Section 5 of the German Telemedia Act (TMG):

LiRoTech GmbH

Mittelweg 6

24626 Groß Kummerfeld


Tel.: +49 (0) 172 / 42 55 728

E-Mail: mail@liro.tech

Represented by:

Christoph Lamprecht


Registration Court: Local court of Kiel

Commercial Register Number: HRB 208397

Turnover ID number acc. to Section 27 subparagraph (a) of the German Turnover Tax Law:


Responsible for the contents acc. to Section 55 (2) of the German Interstate Treaty on Broadcasting and Telemedia (RStV):

Christoph Lamprecht

Online dispute resolution according to Art. 14 Para. 1 ODR-VO:

The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution (OS), which you can find at http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/.