Height Safety (PPE)

When your employees are working at heights, their safety is of the utmost importance. However, it is not always easy to see how this protection can best be made practical and inexpensive. Our altitude safety specialists are here to help you minimize your risk.

Around a quarter of all workplace deaths are due to falls. Accordingly, the authorities take the PPE Usage Ordinance (PPE Directive 89/656 / EEC) very seriously. As an employer, you have both a moral and a legal obligation to protect your employees – even for short, one-off tasks.



A practical , flexible approach

We have built a reputation for working closely with architects and facility managers and creatively addressing height safety challenges – by carefully tailoring equipment, installation methods and approach to the building and the risk assessment.

This is important because the law – and the severity of the consequences of a fall – makes no distinction between the age and design of your building or the frequency of work.

Choose your fall arrest equipment

We can fall back on a wide range of alternatives to reduce your height safety risks:

  • Vertical and horizontal lifeline systems
  • Roof systems and walkways
  • Loop ladders and climbing protection ladder systems
  • Fixed and mobile anchor points
  • Fall arrest and workplace positioning lines
So we usually find a suitable solution that protects your employees and complies with the regulations – with a view to productivity, practicability as well as short and long-term costs.


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LiRoTech GmbH

Mittelweg 6

24626 Groß Kummerfeld


Tel.: +49 (0) 172 / 42 55 728

E-Mail: mail@liro.tech

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Christoph Lamprecht


Registration Court: Local court of Kiel

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Christoph Lamprecht

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The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution (OS), which you can find at http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/.